my friend Robin and I both love listening to a particular teacher, both online and live at conferences. he offers much grace and freedom in his observations about God and divine living. i often walk away refreshed with new perspective and fuel for my soul to keep going strong.

on a walk in the hills the other day, i mentioned to Robin how every now and then i get a tad turned off to his storytelling during his lectures, as the focus seems to shift, highlighting his own accomplishments or personal charisma or spiritual gifting and stories. these make both entertaining and powerful teaching tools, however it can also been taken as a tad self edifying at times.

she turned to me and said, “i KNOW!!!! and i LOVE this! it’s just enough to keep him human and real, so i am not tempted to lift him up on a pedestal of perfection or make him a guru.”

this has stuck with me.

what i had seen as annoying imperfection in a human being and desired for this ‘flaw’ to be taken away so i could personally accept him even further, has become the perfect balance of human imperfection.

it has made him just another grounded man to me, inviting me to refocus my lens on WHO he is teaching about, not his own human stories, but THE human story of spiritual journeying into the depths of our own hearts.

today i am loving all things imperfect, as they have a way of bridging the gap in such a more brilliant and radical way than a perfectly presented package.

thankful this drizzly Sunday morning for a powerful teaching lesson of letting men be men and letting God be God.
